UX/UI Designer - Implementation Designer
Corporacion CPI
CPI, a leading service provider, faced a critical challenge with its outdated website design, hindering user engagement and compromising its digital presence. The imperative was clear: revitalize the website to resonate with modern users and foster enhanced usability
The Challenge
The primary challenge was to overhaul CPI's existing website, addressing its antiquated design and usability issues while ensuring alignment with the brand identity and providing an intuitive user experience.
Diagnosis and Analysis
- Conducted a comprehensive assessment of CPI's current website to identify pain points, usability challenges, and design shortcomings.
- Engaged in stakeholder discussions and user feedback analysis to gain insights into user expectations and preferences.

Prototype Development
- Leveraged insights gathered to develop a prototype that addressed identified issues while preserving essential sections and functionalities from the previous design.
- Emphasized clean and modern aesthetics, with a focus on intuitive navigation and user-centric design principles.
Usability Testing
- Conducted usability testing sessions to evaluate the effectiveness and user-friendliness of the prototype.
- Solicited feedback from target users to validate design decisions and iteratively refine the interface for optimal usability and engagement.

Brand Alignment and Design Iteration
- Collaborated closely with CPI to ensure alignment between the redesigned website and the company's brand identity.
- Incorporated feedback on color schemes, typography, and visual elements to create a cohesive and visually appealing design that resonated with CPI's target audience.

Client Collaboration and Approval
- Maintained open communication channels with CPI throughout the design process, soliciting feedback and ensuring alignment with their vision and objectives.
- Presented the final design iteration, highlighting enhancements and improvements, and secured client approval before proceeding to implementation.
The redesign of CPI's website yielded significant outcomes, including:
- Astonishment and satisfaction from the client, who was impressed by the transformation from an outdated interface to a sleek and modern design.
Improved user engagement and satisfaction, with users finding the new design friendlier, easier to navigate, and more visually appealing.
- Enhanced discoverability of services and sections, facilitating user exploration and interaction with CPI's offerings.
- Strengthened brand perception, with the redesigned website serving as a compelling showcase of CPI's commitment to innovation and user-centricity.

Through strategic planning, iterative design processes, and close collaboration with the client, we successfully revitalized CPI's digital presence, delivering a modern, intuitive, and visually captivating website that not only met but exceeded user expectations. The redesigned interface reflects CPI's dedication to excellence and positions them as a forward-thinking industry leader poised for continued success in the digital landscape.